Dos 6.22 Start Diskette

The Win9X OEM disks are Images of the Microsoft bootdisks that came with your OS. They put the utilities you need in a ramdrive, or virtual disk which is usually the next drive letter up from your hard drive partitions. Use my Custom disks for a faster, easier to use utility. Bootable Utility CD With 68 Programs For Both DOS And Windows. It went fine, I set it to dual-boot with XP and it assured me that it would also boot back to my DOS 6.22 at any time which is on C: if i would just press F4. Free cracks and serial numbers. That is exactly what I was going for. When I choose MS-DOS 7.10 from the boot menu, I get the beautiful resoponse of: Non-System disk or disk error.
As a newbie, I need more detailed help than what is available in VirtualBox 3.2.8. User manual pdf / html this post.
I want to create two VMs - one Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit and one Windows XP (Professional) hosted VMs - to run on my x86 machines - Dell Alienware Aurora ALX with Intel Core i7 CPU 960@3.20 GHz - 12 GB RAM and 1 tb Hard disk array running Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit and 2. my P4 based machines with 512 MB RAM and 40 GB HDDs- both VMs to habe MS DOS 6.22 as Guest OS not just to play old DOS games but fully supportive of 1. all MS DOS 6.22 Commands - especially Doskey,, xcopy etc., - both Command line and Batch files; 2.QBasic 1.0; 3. Foxpro 2.5a for DOS and 4.Wordstar 4 all inside VirtualBox 3.2.8 or any other virtualiser of Oracle.
The attached text file carries details of why I want to do this, what all I have tried so far etc.,

Googolplex Thanx in advance!