Essential Social Psychology Crisp Turner Pdf To Word

Test you understanding of key chapter concepts by working through the quiz below. To check your answer click on the orange arrow to the right.
Essential Social Psychology (3rd ed.) by Richard J. Read online, or download in secure PDF or secure ePub format With two new chapters on Research Methods and Applications in Social Psychology, Essential Social Psychology offers a clear and concise introduction for students studying the.
1. Who helped lay the foundations for modern social psychology?
a. Gordon Allport
b. Henri Tajfel
c. Richard Crisp
d. Auguste Comte
2. The first social psychology experiment is thought to have been conducted by:
a. Henri Tajfel
b. Gustav LeBon
c. Norman Triplett
d. Stanley Milgram
3. When were the first textbooks of social psychology published?
a. 1700s
b. 1800s
c. 1900s
d. 2000s
4. LaPierre’s 1934 attitudes study showed that:
Download shingeki no kyojin episode 23 sub indo samehadaku bleach. a. attitudes do not always predict emotions
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c. attitude always predict emotions
d. attitudes do not always predict behaviour
The correct answer is: d. attitudes do not always predict behaviour
5. Allport’s The Nature of Prejudice proposed:
a. The Contact Hypothesis
b. The Minimal Group Paradigm
c. The Theory of Planned Behaviour
d. The Common Ingroup Identity Model
6. Which of the following are types of data examined by social psychologists?
a. Quantitative data
b. Qualitative data
c. Archival
d. All of the above
7. Which of the following are research methodologies used by social psychologists?
a. Response time methods
b. Inteviews
c. Neuroscience
d. All of the above
8. Archival data involves testing hypothesis by:
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a. looking at existing data
b. reading newspapers
c. conducting interviews
d. conducting surveys
The correct answer is: a. looking at existing data
9. A correlational study involves:
a. manipulating a variable and seeing if it affects a dependent measure
b. reading newspapers
c. measuring two variables and seeing if they are related
d. conducting interviews
The correct answer is: c. measuring two variables and seeing if they are related
10. Which one of the following qualifies as an experiment?
a. an interview
b. archival research
c. a study in which multiple attitude measures are taken
d. a study in which two groups receive different instructions
The correct answer is: d. a study in which two groups receive different instructions
An experiment involves manipulating one variable, which we call the independent variable, and then seeing whether this has an effect on a second variable, which we refer to as the dependent variable.