Gpxpatch 9.6

New versions from HofXLap and GPxPatch released (26-Jan-2003 12:08). Have installed the official 9.6 patch have to install the latest GpxPatch version before.
What is GPxPatch
GPxPatch is a real-time extension system for GP3, GP3-2000 and GP4. It patches GPx at run-time to change several aspects within the game and to add functionality of its own. This means it can change and extend GPx's display for example, or how GPx saves hotlaps.See these screenshots for examples of GPxSAT Digital 2010 mode, which is a GPxPatch extension to show TV style overlays for race information, including standings, split times, a track map with yellow zone indicators, and much more.
Read the GPxPatch Help file for more info.
Download and Installation
Download the latest version from the download page.To install, run inst-gpxpatch.exe and follow the instructions. If it aborts with a CRC error message, try to download it again. If that doesn't help then your system is most probably infected by a virus and you are strongly advised to run a virus checker first (with the most recent virus database of course).
It's important to install it into the main GP3, GP3-2000 or GP4 directory (where gp3.exe, gp3_2000.exe or gp4.exe is located).
After installation, GPxPatch will be launched automatically. The game can then be launched by pressing the Start GPx button. Note that GPxPatch is not an editor that changes the executable; instead, it will patch it in memory after it has been launched. So if you want to use its features you always have to start the game from within GPxPatch, or directly by using the /R commandine option.
Since version 1.22 GPxPatch links dynamically to the runtime libraries. Usually these are already installed on your system, but if they are not, you'll need to download and extract it to the installation directory. You only have to do this if gpxpatch.exe doesn't start (probably without any error messages) and you only need to do it once.
Related Utilities
HOFxLap is a hotlap/game file viewer, mainly used for authentication. The output is similar to the HOF2Lap utility for GP2, but I've rewritten it completely for GP3/GP4. Additionally, I've written a GUI version that dumps the output to a real window.HOFxLap supports the extended data that's being attached to GPx hotlap and game files by GPxPatch. Ima ai ni yukimasu osteomyelitis icd 10. For more info, take a look at the documentation (also available in Polish, by Pawel Wagner).
The unique hardware ID logged by GPxLap is only available for automized processing on Linux servers.
If you have a Linux server and want to create a league, but don't know how to validate the games and/or hotlaps, you can download software that does this automatically. It's called GPxSite and was made in PHP by Niels Basjes. You'll also need a Linux version of HOFxLap for it. Just send me an email and I'll send it to you.
Marc Aarts has written a tool to put track related data in the GPx executable into the track file itself. This data can then be read by GPxPatch to enable tracks to be put in every slot and also to configure this data for each track specifically. CMagic is available for GP3 1.13, GP3-2000, and GP4. It can be downloaded from the download page.F1LapView
F1LapView is a graphical race viewer to compare races logged with GPxLap. It combines data from each saved game to create a virtual race as if all cars raced at the same time. This is visualized by drawing a trace for each car from start to finish with a height that is relative to the time difference to the leader. There are also virtual traces of the leader for previous laps, so you can see where other cars have been lapped.Contact
Issue Tracker
Bug reports and feature requests can be entered in the issue tracker. Please follow the rules on the Create issue page.ChangeLog
08 Jan 2019 4.52 |
30 Dec 2018 4.51 |
25 Dec 2018 4.50 |
16 Nov 2018 4.45 |
13 Mar 2016 4.44 |
30 Aug 2015 4.43 |
26 Aug 2015 4.42 |
25 Aug 2015 4.41 |
23 Aug 2015 4.40 |
06 Oct 2014 4.30a |
05 Oct 2014 4.30 |
04 Jun 2014 4.24a |
30 May 2014 4.24 |
28 Oct 2013 4.23 |
20 Jun 2013 4.22 |
10 Jun 2013 4.21 |
05 Jun 2013 4.20 |
13 May 2013 4.10 |
02 Apr 2013 4.02 |
30 Mar 2013 4.01 |
20 Mar 2013 4.00 |
12 Feb 2013 3.94 |
01 Jan 2009 3.93 |
22 Sep 2007 3.92 |
12 Dec 2004 3.91 |
03 Dec 2004 3.90 |
18 Oct 2004 3.83 |
17 Sep 2004 3.82 |
10 Sep 2004 3.81 |
29 May 2004 3.80 |
12 May 2004 3.71 |
24 Apr 2004 3.70 |
14 Feb 2004 3.61 |
08 Feb 2004 3.60 |
18 Jan 2004 3.56 |
28 Dec 2003 3.55 |
13 Dec 2003 3.54 |
03 Dec 2003 3.53 |
11 Nov 2003 3.52 |
04 Nov 2003 3.51 |
31 Jul 2003 3.50 |
14 Jun 2003 3.40 |
28 May 2003 3.37a |
27 May 2003 3.37 |
18 May 2003 3.36 |
28 Mar 2003 3.35 |
22 Mar 2003 3.34 |
14 Mar 2003 3.33 |
27 Feb 2003 3.32 |
18 Jan 2003 3.31 |
08 Jan 2003 3.30 |
29 Dec 2002 3.20 |
09 Oct 2002 3.10 |
18 Aug 2002 3.03 |
05 Jul 2002 3.02 |
04 Jul 2002 3.01 |
30 Jun 2002 3.00 |
17 Mar 2002 2.21 |
09 Mar 2002 2.20 |
02 Feb 2002 2.10 |
16 Nov 2001 2.03 |
28 Oct 2001 2.02 |
28 Sep 2001 2.01 |
21 Sep 2001 2.00 |
28 Jul 2001 1.31 |
24 Jun 2001 1.30 |
10 Jun 2001 1.22 |
20 May 2001 1.21 |
18 May 2001 1.20 |
21 Apr 2001 1.10 |
02 Apr 2001 1.04 |
21 Mar 2001 1.03 |
18 Mar 2001 1.02 |
27 Jan 2001 1.01 |
21 Jan 2001 1.00 |
For some programs to work, you also need the latest version of the files mfc42.dll and msvcrt.dll. If you don't have these and the program doesn't run, then you'll need to download them: (586 kB). Put them in the same directory as the program. If a program complains about msvcp60.dll, then do the same with (111 kB).
My software can be downloaded for free and without ads or registration. Please support this by giving a donation!
GPxPatch4.52 08 Jan 2019 new | |
Please check the latest changes in the changelog before running GPxPatch. GPxPatch is a real-time extension for GP3, GP3-2000, and GP4 that includes features like official tv-style information, detailed on-screen race information, a track manager, a carset manager, extended save games, 3D sound, event sounds, internet play, taking screenshots, and more. Archive of all versions: 4.52, 4.51, 4.45, 4.44, 4.43, 4.42, 4.41, 4.40, 4.30a, 4.24a, 4.23, 4.22, 4.21, 4.20, 4.10, 4.02, 3.94, 3.93, 3.91, 3.90, 3.83, 3.80, 3.71, 3.70, 3.61, 3.60, 3.56, 3.50, 3.40, 3.37a, 3.35, 3.32, 3.31, 3.20, 3.10, 3.03, 2.21, 2.20, 2.10, 2.03, 1.31, 1.31, 1.30, 1.22, 1.21, 1.20, 1.10, 1.04, 1.03, 1.02, 1.01, 1.00. To put magic data into track files, you need Marc Aarts' CMagic: for GP3 1.13, for GP3-2000, for GP4 1.00, for GP4 1.02. More info can be found on the GPxPatch homepage. | File:inst-gpxpatch452.exe (1728 KB) |
Documentation:GPxPatch docs | |
Supported game(s): GP3 GP3-2000 GP4 | |
F1PerfView1.27 19 Nov 2018 | |
A telemetry data viewer. More info can be found on the F1PerfView homepage. | File:F1PerfView.msi (5864 KB) |
Documentation:f1perfview_doc.html | |
Supported game(s): GP2 GP3 GP3-2000 GP4 F1RS MGPRS2 LFS | |
MijnRallyCenter1.0.3 22 Mar 2013 | |
Available on Google Play. MijnRallyCenter gives you access to the online rally results organized by | |
Documentation: Runs only on Android devices. | |
Supported game(s): RBR | |
RBRLap1.0 29 Nov 2008 | |
A simple commandline utility to show replay file information and optionally extract the setup to a file. | (28 KB) |
Documentation: Usage: RBRLap [-s <setup file>] <replay file> | |
Supported game(s): RBR | |
CSFuel2.01 09 Apr 2004 | |
With this command line utility you can change the pitstop strategy in a GPx Car Setup file. Interesting side effect is that it enables you to run with more than the default extra 2 fuel laps with a zero-pitstop strategy. | (23 KB) |
Documentation:csfuel.txt | |
Supported game(s): GP2 GP3 GP3-2000 GP4 | |
HOFxLap3.15 21 Jan 2004 | |
This is the successor of HOF2Lap. It's a game/hotlap file checker for GP3, GP3-2000 and GP4. Linux/BSD versions available for leagues on request. | (49 KB) |
Documentation:HOFxLap help | |
Supported game(s): GP3 GP3-2000 GP4 | |
HLFind1.0.29 17 Apr 2003 | |
HLFind is a utility that helps you find players on all Half-Life servers. More information can be found on the HLFind homepage. | (209 KB) |
Documentation:hlfind.txt | |
Supported game(s): Half-Life | |
F1LapView3.00 07 Aug 2002 | |
F1LapView is a graphical race viewer for Windows to compare races logged with GP2Lap/GPxLap. | (30 KB) |
Documentation:f1lapview.txt | |
Supported game(s): GP2 GP3 GP3-2000 GP4 | |
GP2Lap1.15 14 Aug 2001 | |
Together with Frank Ahnert I've developed a real-time GP2 extension, which includes a hotlap and race logger, ipx network link, in-game standings, track map, and telemetry info, and more. More info can be found on the GP2Lap homepage. | (175 KB) |
Documentation:gp2lap_txt.html | |
Supported game(s): GP2 | |
F1Bnm1.7a 08 Feb 2000 | |
A .BNM file editor for F1RS and MGPRS2. It shows information about the sound resources stored in F1RS/MGPRS2 sound bank files. You are able to edit the sound resource and sound event information. Offsets, lengths, sampling rates, 8/16 Bit and Mono/Stereo information is automatically extracted from .WAV files you've selected. New in version 1.7: Shows name and description with file and supports Bnk_2.bnm file. | (32 KB) |
Documentation:f1bnm.txt | |
Supported game(s): F1RS MGPRS2 | |
HOF2Lap0.56 12 Jan 2000 | |
This is a project I've taken over from Dave 'Gizmo' Gymer. It outputs GP2 hotlap and race file contents, and can produce an authentication code for use in HOF2.5. Things that I've added include support for viewing GP2Lap extended hotlaps and race files. | (165 KB) |
Documentation:HOF2Lap Home | |
Supported game(s): GP2 | |
MGPPower1.01 20 Mar 1999 | |
MGPRS2 power editor. Edits power of each driver for each track. New in v1.01: 1% extra power (same as original team 5). Visit Audun Pettersen's MGPRS2 Performance page for settings files that can be used with this editor to patch the game. | File:part of MGPTools (54 KB) |
Documentation:mgppower.txt | |
Supported game(s): MGPRS2 | |
MGPEdit1.01 12 Mar 1999 | |
GUI Front end for MGPCkpt. New in v1.01: output window for mgpckpt.exe. | File:part of MGPTools (54 KB) |
Documentation:mgpedit.txt | |
Supported game(s): MGPRS2 | |
MGPCkpt1.0c 02 Mar 1999 | |
A MGPRS2 cockpit editor (Win32 console) | File:part of MGPTools (54 KB) |
Documentation:mgpckpt.txt | |
Supported game(s): MGPRS2 | |
F1Set1.2 10 Jan 1999 | |
An F1RS/MGPRS2 car settings dump utility (Win32 console). | (5 KB) |
Documentation:f1set.txt | |
Supported game(s): F1RS MGPRS2 | |
F1Cnf1.02 27 Apr 1998 | |
A F1RS configuration file dump utility (Win32 console). | (4 KB) |
Documentation:f1cnf.txt | |
Supported game(s): F1RS | |
F1Ghost1.01 27 Apr 1998 | |
A F1RS ghost file dump utility (both Win32 Windows and console). | (11 KB) |
Documentation:f1ghost.txt | |
Supported game(s): F1RS | |
SplitTime1.7 05 Aug 1997 | |
With this util you can view current and best split times on your dashboard while you're driving, as well as other things. | File:splittime1.7.lha (21 KB) |
Documentation:splittime.txt.html | |
Supported game(s): Amiga F1GP | |
AGPLapTime1.2 17 Jun 1997 | |
This utility logs interesting info during your races. | File:agplaptime1.2.lha (52 KB) |
Documentation:agplaptime.txt.html | |
Supported game(s): Amiga F1GP | |
VBestLap1.2 11 Oct 1995 | |
A GPLap logfile analyzer. It tries to tell you how fast you can virtually go on a track, by analyzing all the split times. | (19 KB) |
Documentation:vbestlap.txt | |
Supported game(s): PC F1GP |