Hack Rcon Password Sof2 Resonance

In your server.cfg file there should be a line
seta rconpassword 'yourpasswordhere'
that will set the rcon password on your server.
If you forget to put / before logging in you will broadcast the password as chat to the whole server. If I was a bad person and saw that happen I could quickly log in as the rcon admin, then change the rcon password so you couldn't log in, and I would have total control of your server. You would have to shut down and restart the server with the Usermin control panel to regain control.
So, to log in safely with rcon, make a text file in the base folder of your client computer and call it 'login.cfg' or whatever. The file should have just the following line
seta rconpassword 'yourpasswordhere'
Then to login in while on your server, open your console and enter
/exec login.cfg
and you will be logged in.
To use rcon after you are logged in ingame, just precede each rcon command with
If you are are using a program like Rcon Commander, Rcon Unlimited, or Rcon SE to remotely control your server, just enter the command without '/rcon', i.e. 'status' instead of '/rcon status'.
For example
/rcon status (gives list of players and bots with their ClientID and IP address)
/rcon kick playername (kicks player)
/rcon clientkick ClientIDfromRconStatus (kicks player)
/rcon addip IPaddressOfPlayerToBeBannedObtainedFromRconStatus (bans player)
/rcon removeip IPaddressOfPlayerYouWantToUnban (unbans player)
/rcon listip (gives list of banned IP addresses)
/rcon forceteam playernameOrClientID Red/Blue/Spectator (moves the player to that team or to Spectator). '/rcon forceteam player spectator' works in all game types (even non team gametypes like FFA) and can be used in place of 'amsleep', 'amslap' or other abusive commands to take a player out of the action without kicking them.
/rcon cvar (shows you the current setting of a server cvar. '/rcon g_motd' would tell you the current g_motd)
/rcon set cvar NewValue (changes any cvar listed in your server.cfg). /rcon set sv_hostname 'NewName' would change the name of your server to 'NewName'. Changes to g_gametype, g_forcepowerdisable, and g_weapondisable take effect when the next map starts or after the current map is restarted.
/rcon set timelimit NewTimelimit (changes the timelimit for a map)
/rcon set fraglimit NewFraglimit (changes the amount of kills to win a map)
/rcon mapname (gives name of current map)
/rcon map MapThatTheServerWillInstantlySwitchTo
/rcon set nextmap MapThatTheServerWillStartAfterTheCurrentMapEnds
/rcon map_restart (restarts the current map)
/rcon map_restart number (starts a countdown of number seconds before restarting the current map)
/rcon svsay chat (people will see what you type as chat from 'Server')
/rcon path (lists all of the .pk3 files loaded by the server)
/rcon cmdlist (gives a list of the rcon commands)
  1. sv_password ' // Use to password protect your server
  2. mp_flashlight 1
  3. sv_allowdownload 1
  4. pausable '0'
  5. sv_voiceenable '1'
  6. //GMOD CVARS - Limits of buildables, the numbers are the total limits on your server.
  7. // Don't make too high or your server will lag and it can crash more.
  8. sbox_maxballoons '10'
  9. sbox_noclip '1'
  10. sbox_maxprops '100'
  11. sbox_plpldamage '0'
  12. sbox_playergod '1'
  13. sbox_maxsents '20'
  14. sbox_maxbuttons '10'
  15. sbox_maxragdolls '10'
  16. sbox_allownpcs '1'
  17. sv_minrate 0
  18. sv_minupdaterate 33
  19. sv_mincmdrate 33
  20. sv_client_cmdrate_difference 1
  21. sv_client_interpolate 1
  22. sv_client_max_interp_ratio -1
  23. log on
  24. sv_logbans 1
  25. sv_rcon_banpenalty 60
  26. sv_rcon_minfailures 5
  27. // sv_region tells the Steam servers where your server is located, possible values are:
  28. // 1 - US West coast
  29. // 3 - Europe
  30. // 5 - Australia
  31. // 7 - Africa
  32. sv_region 0
  33. // Exec Configs
  34. motdfile motd.txt
  35. mapcyclefile mapcycle.txt

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