Hermitcraft Ftb Unleashed Map Download

This map only works on FTB Unleashed. If you install it on the original Minecraft, then there will be a floating Treehouse. There is also a NPC Village in front of the stone tower.
HermitPack | |
Name | HermitPack |
Creator | The FTB Team |
Launcher | Feed The Beast Launcher |
Latest Version | 1.7.0 |
Minecraft Version | 1.10.2 |
Website | Official Website |
HermitPack is a modpack created by the FTB Team in collaboration with HermitCraft. It is a 'kitchen-sink' themed modpack, designed for the HermitCraft YouTube group. Photoshop cs5 crack mac free.
It is recommended players allocate 4GB of RAM for the best performance with this modpack.
The 1.7.0 version of this pack contains the following 110 mods:
Name | Version |
Actually Additions | r105 |
Advanced Solar Panels | 4.0.4 |
Applied Energistics 2 | rv4-alpha-11 |
AutoPackager | 1.6.3 |
AutoRegLib | 1.0-2 |
Bad Wither No Cookie! | 0.0.1-5418dde |
Baubles | 1.3.9 |
Bdlib | |
Better Builder's Wands | |
Biome Paint Tools | 1.0.3 |
Blood Magic | 2.1.7-76 |
Botania | r1.9-341 |
Chameleon | 1.10-2.2.2 |
Chest Transporter | 2.5.9 |
Chisel 2 | |
Chisels and Bits | 12.12 |
CompatLayer | 1.10-0.2.2 |
Cooking for Blockheads | 4.2.39 |
CraftTweaker | 3.0.24 |
Custom Main Menu | 2.0.2 |
Cyclic | 1.10.15 |
Deep Resonance | 1.1x-1.4.6 |
Default Options | 6.1.5 |
Dragon Tweaks | |
Drawers & Bits | 0.36 |
EJML Core | 0.26 |
ElecCore | 1.7.409 |
Ender Tanks | 1.10.0-1.4.11 |
Ender Zoo | 1.10- |
EnderCore | |
EnderIO | 3.1.179 |
Environmental Tech | 0.10.6b |
Extra Utilities | 1.3.3 |
Extreme Reactors | |
FTB Utilities | 3.4.3 |
FTBLib | 3.4.4 |
FastLeafDecay | v11 |
Flat Colored Blocks | v4.4 |
Flight Tweaks | 0.0.6-alpha |
FoamFix | 0.6.1-anarchy |
Forestry | |
Gendustry | |
GraveStone Mod | 1.5.12 |
Guide-API | 2.0.3-46 |
Hammer Core | 1.2.3 |
Hermit Quest | 1.1.25 |
Hopper Ducts Mod | 1.9.4-1.4.8 |
Immersive Engineering | 0.10-57 |
IndustrialCraft 2 | 2-2.6.142-ex110 |
Inventory Tweaks | 1.61-58 |
IronChests | |
JEI Bees | |
JourneyMap | 5.4.6 |
Just Enough Items | |
Just Enough Resources | |
MCJtyLib | 1.1x-2.3.9 |
MTLib | 1.0.1 |
Mantle | 1.1.5 |
MCMultiPart | 2.0.0-88 |
Mekanism | |
Mercurius | 1.0.2 |
MineTweaker | 3.0.10 |
Mod Name Tooltip | 1.6.0 |
Mod Tweaker 2 | 2.0.10 |
More Bees | 1.3.2 |
More Overlays | 1.10 |
Morpheus | 3.1.13 |
Mouse Tweaks | 2.8 |
Multi-Storage | 1.2.15 |
NoMoreRecipeConflict | 0.6 |
Not Enough Wands | 1.1x-1.5.4 |
OpenComputers | |
Pam's HarvestCraft | 1.9.4-1.10.2h |
Platforms | 1.2.9 |
Psi | r1.0-42 |
Quantum Flux | 2.0.11 |
QuantumStorage | 3.2.19 |
Quark | r1.1-70 |
RFTools | 1.1x-5.87 |
RFTools Control | 1.1x-1.6.6 |
RFTools Dimensions | 1.1x-4.54 |
Random Things | 3.7.7 |
Ranged Pumps | 0.3 |
Reborn Core | |
Redstone Paste Mod | 1.7.4 |
Refined Storage | 1.2.23 |
Reliquary | |
Resource Loader | 1.5.1 |
Roots | 0.208 |
ShadowMC | 3.6.1 |
Shetiphian Core | 3.3.8 |
Signals | 0.5.1 |
Simple Generators | 0.10.6a |
Simply Conveyors | 1.4.2 |
Sleeping Bag | 1.4.0 |
Sound Filters | 0.9 |
Storage Drawers | 3.6.1 |
Super Circuit Maker | 1.0.4 |
TOP Addons | 0.9.1c |
Tech Reborn | 2.01 |
The One Probe | 1.1x-1.4.4 |
Tinker's Construct | 2.6.3 |
Tinkers' Addons | 1.10.x-1.0.4 |
Tinkers' Tool Leveling | 1.0.1 |
Torcherino | 4.2s |
Useful Nullifiers | 1.3.4 |
ValkyrieLib | 0.10.6 |
Weapon Case Loot | 4.0.1 |
ZeroCore | |
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11 Jan - RT @CreeperHost: Holy smokes! Time certainly flies by fast!We're down to less than 6 hours left of our Christmas Sale!Go take advantage w…

5 Dec - RT @CreeperHost: Our Christmas Sale this year starts off with our Big Christmas Giveaway🎅Amazing prizes to be won alongside great deals!…
1 Nov - RT @Zachthegeek: Version 1.5.0 of the @FTB_Team Launcher has been released with some bug fixes, repo changes, and support for 1.14.4 forge…
8 Oct - Do you have questions regarding the end of the partnership between twitch and FTB. Join in the livestream at… https://t.co/xqETXkk4Vz
8 Oct - Our partnership with twitch will be ending on the 31st of October. You can find more information regarding how this… https://t.co/O80MLJC4Bq
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