Plagiarism Checker That Works Like Turnitin

According to John Barrie, the co-founder of Turnitin, to successfully rewrite a paper so that it passes through their plagiarism checking tools, one has to alter or replace every third word. This means that plagiarism checker tools can detect very short passages of content—including.
© Provided by Tuko The best plagiarism checker alternatives to TurnitinTechnology continues to make life simpler and easier for students. It has enabled the creation of various software that assist writers in ensuring they write high-quality papers. When it comes to these types of software, Turnitin has, over the years, made a name for itself. It’s among the most commonly used writing assistants with millions of users all over the world.
What is Turnitin? This is an American based plagiarism checker service that is available on the internet. It was founded in 1997 and has its office headquarters at 2101 Webster Street Suite 1800 Oakland California 94612, United States. Turnitin has changed the game when it comes to writing in general. This software has made it easier for millions of students to rectify errors in their work. This tool is also used by instructors to check whether their students have original work and the correct references. There are other sites available. Here are the 10 best sites like Turnitin for students.
Sites like Turnitin
Turnitin is a great website to check for plagiarism. There are other websites like Turnitin that are also still very efficient for this purpose. Below are other sites to check plagiarism:
Plagscan is also a premium plagiarism checker tool. When signing up, it will prompt you to select a plan which runs on a system called “Plag Points”. However, there is a free trial that you can sign up to get the “plag points”. These points enable you to check a fraction of your work. Plagscan is seemingly as efficient as the other paid sites. There are several pricing plans categorized as private, educational, or business plans.
Source: UGC
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Writecheck is a paid tool. When signing up for it, it will require you to fill in your details then choose your desired plan. It is among the most accurate and comprehensive tools available on the internet today. Writecheck is designed mainly for students in universities and colleges. It is an excellent tool to use first before submitting your work to avoid sending plagiarized work or work that has similar phrases or quotations with another. The lowest pricing for the tool is $7.95.

Is Grammarly as good as Turnitin? In our score, it is as good or maybe even better. Grammarly has both a free version and the premium version. The free version assists you in several ways such as grammar corrections and punctuation correction. While using it, it may prompt you to get the premium version or a 7-day free trial.
The premium version is very detailed with its results on the work errors, and the plagiarism checker is often very accurate. You can choose to have a free trial to see if it will serve you well. If you decide otherwise, you cancel the subscription before time runs out. For the premium version, there are three pricing plans:
- $29.95/month
- $19.98/month but billed quarterly as one payment of $58.95
- $11.66 /month billed annually as one payment of $139.95
Copyscape has both free to use version and the premium version. The free to use version might be efficient, but the search results are not very detailed. If you want to get more precise results for your work, the premium version will serve you best. The premium version charges 5 cents per page. This tool is perfect for checking plagiarism or phrases and quotes that may be similar to someone else’s work. It is effortless to use the tool.
Free alternative to Turnitin
If you do not want to have a premium account, you can choose the free options listed below:
This is free to use a plagiarism tool. Plagium has some pricing plans, but the better part of the tool is free and efficient. The plans are for more efficient in situations where there are many pages to be searched. It may also suit anyone who does the checks frequently. When searching for your work to see if it is plagiarised, it gives websites that have copied work. The sites with the copied work provide the percentage with which the work is similar.
Source: UGC
Plagiarism Detector
This is an efficient free to use tool. Plagiarism Detector is, however, limited to a thousand words per search. So, if your paperwork is lengthy, you can subdivide it, then do the searches. The plagiarism search is relatively fast, so it will save you time.
Plagiarisma is a free to use site that gives an option of uploading work from your drive. It is easy to use as you only have to copy and paste your work on the search box provided. It provides accurate results together with the sites where the work may have been copied.
What are the Turnitin alternatives?
There are other sites that serve well as alternatives to Turnitin. Some of these sites include:
Viper is an impressive plagiarism checker that covers ten billion sources while checking. It is effortless and straightforward for anyone using it. It also gives a detailed report on the search done on checked documents or paperwork. Viper does not have pricing plans or subscriptions; instead, it has credit. These credits are used as the fee for the plagiarism check. The minimum price is $4, which buys one credit. The one-credit covers up to 5000 words or 30,000 characters.
Unicheck is an easy to use premium plagiarism checker. The tool supports most of the file documents and gives very detailed results. The pricing is in three categories, each with its plans, namely personal, K-12, and higher ED and business. The tool is popular with over a million users from all over the world.
We saved the best for last with Plagramme plagiarism checker. It has both free and premium versions. The tool analyses more than 14 trillion sites while checking on your work. It is a very efficient tool that does not only finds you the copied work but helps you detect wrongly cited work. A very incredible feature found in the tool is its multilingual features.
It checks work in 18 languages providing very accurate work. The languages available are: English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Russian, Portuguese, Dutch, Polish, Czech, Hungarian, Greek, Bulgarian, Estonian, Latvian, Slovenian, Macedonian and Ukrainian.
Ensuring that your work is original is imperative. Plagiarism is an offense, and it has seen several people lose their academic credentials. Therefore, you should make use of the tools listed above, such as Turnitin, to prevent any mistakes that may be detrimental to your academics.
You’re working on a paper and you’ve just written a line that seems kind of familiar. Did you read it somewhere while you were researching the topic? If you did, does that count as plagiarism? Now that you’re looking at it, there are a couple of other lines that you know you borrowed from somewhere. You didn’t bother with a citation at the time because you weren’t planning to keep them. But now they’re an important part of your paper. Is it still plagiarism if you’re using less than a paragraph?
Using someone else’s text without attribution is plagiarism, whether you meant to do it or not. Unintentional plagiarism of even a sentence or two can have serious consequences. For students, plagiarism often means a failing grade, academic probation, or worse. Fortunately, there is a tool that can help. Grammarly’s online plagiarism checker can help you ensure that you have properly identified and cited anything in your text that isn’t 100 percent original.
We originally designed our online plagiarism checker for students, but it’s a useful tool for writers in any field who want to create fresh, original, plagiarism-free work.