Font S Century Schoolbook

The fonts presented on this website are their authors' property, and are either freeware, shareware, demo versions or public domain. The licence mentioned above the download button is just an indication. Buy Century Schoolbook font from Bitstream on
I’ve been working for several months on a book that’s just getting ready to go to press. It’s the first book I’ve typeset in the Century typeface in quite a while.
Century isn’t one typeface. It’s actually a family of related designs all based on an original by American Type Founders. The original was designed by Linn Boyd Benton in 1894. It’s a design that has always seemed peculiarly American to me. Despite it’s origins in the nineteenth century, Century remains popular especially in textbooks, periodicals and literature.
Versions have been issued by Linotype, Monotype, ITC, Elsner+Flake, Adobe and Bitstream, and all these variations are available online today.
One of Century’s main strengths is its exceptional legibility. The open forms of the letters allow for quick recognition, and you might recognize some of the Century variations as the typefaces in the very first books you learned to read.
In fact, Century is so legible and neutral in tone, it’s required by the U.S. Supreme Court that all briefs presented be typeset in the Century family. Here’s an excerpt from Rule 33, “Document Preparation”:
(b) The text of every booklet-format document, including any appendix thereto, shall be typeset in Century family (e.g., Century Expanded, New Century Schoolbook, or Century Schoolbook) 12-point type with 2-point or more leading between lines. Quotations in excess of 50 words shall be indented. The typeface of footnotes shall be 10-point or larger with 2-point or more leading between lines. The text of the document must appear on both sides of the page.
(Citation from Cornell University Law School)
You can get an idea of the variety of faces available in the Century family by taking a look at the samples from half a dozen type foundries here.
I’ve been impressed with how durable Century has been over the years, and how useful it remains. When this book reaches its publication date I’ll feature it in a Case Study here so you can see the way Century worked for book composition, but everyone who’s worked with the proofs has been impressed with its readability.

Takeaway: For a different look to a narrative book, try one of the fonts from the Century family for a strong and readable American typeface design.
The best website for free high-quality Century Schoolbook fonts, with 18 free Century Schoolbook fonts for immediate download, and ➔ 50 professional Century Schoolbook fonts for the best price on the Web.
18 Free Century Schoolbook Fonts
- VnCentury SchoolbookHideShow
- BaltNewCenturySchoolbook MediumHideShow
- TeXGyreScholaHideShow
- NewRoundedFontBlack SchoolbookHideShow
- Century2 StylesHideShow
- Century FunkyHideShow
- Century Modern2 StylesHideShow
- Century Funky, NormalHideShow
- Century modern shadowHideShow
- Century Gothic BoldHideShow
- CenturyGothicAgain?!?! RegularHideShow
- DS Century CapitalsHideShow
- Nu Century GothicHideShow
- OldCentury RegularHideShow
- nu-century-gothic BoldHideShow
- DS CenturyCapitals, RegularHideShow
- QTSchoolCentury ItalicHideShow
- QTSchoolCentury, Bold ItalicHideShow
- New Century Schoolbook® Font Family -
Buy New Century Schoolbook font from Linotype on New Century Schoolbook is available as a desktop font and a Web font.
- Century™ Schoolbook Font Family -
Buy Century Schoolbook font from URW++ on Century Schoolbook is available as a desktop font and a Web font.
- Century® Schoolbook - Webfont & Desktop font « MyFonts
In 1924 Morris Fuller Benton designed for ATF a new variation on his father’s design, Century Oldstyle. Century Schoolbook has become a synonym for readability.
- 1 Free Century Schoolbook Font · 1001 Fonts
Century Schoolbook Fonts Fonts 1 - 1 of 1. century schoolbook x; bold; italic; regular; …more
- New Century Schoolbook® font family
Under the commission of the American Century Magazine', Linn Boyd Benton designed a new text typeface in 1894 with a design typical of the Neorenaissance movement in ..
- Century Schoolbook -
The first Century was cut by Linn Boyd Benton working with T. L. De Vinne for Century magazine to replace the unsuitable face they had used previously. This was ..
- Century type family - Wikipedia
Century is a family of serif type faces particularly intended for body text. The family originates from a first design, Century Roman cut by American Type Founders ..
- New Century Schoolbook™ - Webfont & Desktop font « MyFonts
New Century Schoolbook™ font family, 13 styles from $35.00 by Linotype
- 4 Free century schoolbook fonts - FontSpace
Instant downloads for 4 free century schoolbook fonts. For you professionals, 1 are 100% free for commercial-use!
Please note: If you want to create professional printout, you should consider a commercial font. Free fonts often have not all characters and signs, and have no kerning pairs (Avenue ↔ A venue, Tea ↔ T ea).
Check it for free with Typograph.
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- Century Schoolbook Regular
- Century Gothic Regular
- Century Old Style Bold
- Century Old Style Bold
- Century Old Style Bold
- New Century Schoolbook®
- Monotype Century™ Schoolbook
- Century™ Schoolbook
- EF Century™ Schoolbook
- SG Century™ Schoolbook SB
- SG Century™ Schoolbook SH
- SG Century Schoolbook
- Century Schoolbook
- Monotype Century Old Style™
- Best price value packs
- Monotype Century Schoolbook Volume
- SG Century Schoolbook SB Volume
- Monotype Century Schoolbook Greek Volume
- Monotype Century Schoolbook Cyrillic Volume
- SG Century Schoolbook SH Volume
- EF Century Schoolbook Volume
- Century Schoolbook
- Century Schoolbook WGL Complete Family Pack
- New Century Schoolbook
- Sorted by family
- New Century Schoolbook Cyrillic
- Monotype Century Schoolbook CE
- Monotype Century Schoolbook Cyrillic
- Monotype Century Schoolbook Greek
- Monotype Century Schoolbook
- New Century Schoolbook Fractions
- SG Century Schoolbook SB
- SG Century Schoolbook SH
- Century Schoolbook
- Century Schoolbook Monospaced
- EF Century Schoolbook
- New Century Schoolbook CE
- New Century Schoolbook
- Century Schoolbook WGL Complete Family Pack
- SG Century Schoolbook Roman Italic
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- Century® Schoolbook
- Century® Schoolbook
- Century® Schoolbook
- SchoolBook
- New Century Schoolbook™
- New Century Schoolbook™
- Century Schoolbook EF
- Century® Schoolbook WGL4
- Century Schoolbook DT
- New Century Schoolbook Cyrillic™
- Century Schoolbook SB
- Century Schoolbook SH